



Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts, Behaviour, feelings and physical well-being. A low feeling with sadness and loss of interest in regular and social responsibilities constitute depression. Causes of depression vary from a sudden change of lifestyle, mental emotional stress, medication, hormonal changes and after infections like flu and typhoid.


Anxiety, irritability and agitation.Desire to cry often.

  • A feeling of worthlessness, helplessness.
  • Tremendous amount of guilt.
  • Persistent sadness and hopelessness.
  • Loss of interest in daily activities.
  • Poor memory and concentration.
  • Change in sleep pattern.
  • Increase or decrease in appetite and weight.
  • Lack of energy and easy fatigue.
  • Thoughts of suicide or death.


  • Do not start SELF MEDICATION on your own. Get yourself investigated for other causes of depression from a qualified physician.
  • Relaxation techniques, regular exercises like aerobics and yoga help relax both mind and body.
  • Regular meditation is useful.A busy schedule helps but do not overwork in keeping the mind occupied.
  • A diet of whole grains, lean meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, low fat dairy products and vitamin B complex and selenium helps. Take plenty of carbohydrates.
  • Identifying the cause of depression is the first step in overcoming it. Confront the cause and treat each problem separately - they will begin to appear less overwhelming. It is good to talk. Admitting you are unable to handle the problem alone may be difficult, but involving another person or a support group may be helpful. Discuss your greivances rather than bottling them up.
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